The Haun Mena injury attorneys are now accepting Camp Lejeune water contamination claims. If you served at Camp Lejeune, you may deserve compensation.
Our lawyers can handle your claim. Let us explore your options, file your lawsuit and pursue your compensation. With the Haun Mena law firm, when justice is deserved, justice is delivered.
Claims are starting soon. Call us today for a consultation about your Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit. There is no obligation.
The Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Problem
U.S. military base Camp Lejeune is home to about 150,000 people at any time. From 1953-1987, the water at the North Carolina base was contaminated. Hundreds of thousands of people drank the water, never suspecting that they were ingesting dangerous toxins.
Over the years, the Camp Lejeune population began developing cancers and severe diseases in large numbers. Many thousands of people are believed to be victims.
What Is the Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Lawsuit About?
The Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit is about compensating the victims of Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination. With new laws pending, victims may finally receive fair compensation for the financial losses and personal devastation that they have suffered.
You may qualify for compensation if you served, worked, or lived at Camp Lejeune. Contact our Camp Lejeune toxic water lawyers today to discuss your case and start the claims process.
Camp Lejeune water contamination list of diseases
Diseases caused by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune may include:
- Adult leukemia
- Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Neurobehavioral effects
- Esophageal cancer
- Breast cancer
- Renal toxicity, kidney problems
- Female infertility and miscarriage
- Scleroderma
- Lung cancer
- Leukemia
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Hepatic steatosis
- Other health problems
Sources: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Announces Presumptive Conditions for Camp Lejeune Veterans, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Camp Lejeune, Past Water Contamination
If you have any of these diseases or other health problems after serving at Camp Lejeune, you may bring a claim. Our attorneys are representing people like you. It’s our goal to handle the legal hassles on your behalf and claim maximum compensation for you.
What was the problem with the water at Camp Lejeune?
Several toxins leaked into the drinking and daily use water at Camp Lejeune. These toxins were solvents used in dry cleaning and other industrial operations. When these dangerous chemicals were discovered, hundreds of thousands of people had been consuming the water for decades.
Contaminants in the Camp Lejeune water:
- Perchloroethylene (PCE) / Trichloroethylene (TCE)
- Benzene
- Vinyl Chloride
- Other chemicals
Water sources were shut down, and an intense environmental cleanup began. Still, it was too late. Thousands of people ingested dangerous chemicals beyond safe levels for humans.
Justice for Victims of Camp Lejeune Toxic Water
What is the Camp Lejeune Justice Act?
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is a pending law to compensate victims of toxic water at Camp Lejeune. Previously, veterans could claim disability benefits if they had one of eight presumptive diseases. Military members and some family members could receive health care for medical problems linked to their time at the military base. Cash compensation was not available.
The Camp Lejeune Act removes legal barriers that previously prevented victims from claiming cash compensation for their damages. The law creates jurisdiction to adjudicate claims in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. It also removes procedural barriers that previously stood in the way, like the North Carolina Statute of Repose. In the law, the United States waives sovereign immunity.
(See United States House Bill 2192, introduced Mar. 26, 2012, Senate Bill 3176, introduced Nov. 4, 2021; see also House Bill 3967, Honoring our PACT Act of 2022)
How to Get Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Compensation
To get Camp Lejeune toxic water compensation, you must bring a claim in the manner authorized by the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. Because the claims process requires giving notice before filing a claim, a person can receive compensation without ever going to court.
Bringing a claim requires:
- Having served, worked, or lived at Camp Lejeune for 30 or more days during the applicable time period
- Contracting a cancer, medical condition, or debilitating disease
- Showing that the physical problem is likely caused or exacerbated by the toxins in the water
- Determining your damages. You may claim compensation traditionally available in injury claims, including medical bills, lost income, and pain, and suffering
- Filing a claim in the manner prescribed by law
You may wonder how you can prove that your medical problem is from the toxic water. You must show that it’s more than chance or speculation that your disease is related to the exposure. Our lawyers can determine exactly what you need – you may use your medical records, medical experts that speak to your specific case, or one of the many scientific studies that have been done relating to toxic water. What you need depends on the details of your case – our lawyers can evaluate and take the steps necessary to prove your claim.
What are the Camp Lejeune toxic water compensation amounts?
The amount of compensation you can receive for your Camp Lejeune toxic water injuries depends on your personal losses. Our experienced injury attorneys can give you a personalized evaluation of what your case may be worth.
Questions about Camp Lejeune Benefits and Health Care
What are all the government programs available for victims of Camp Lejeune toxic water?
If you’re a victim of the toxic water at Camp Lejeune, you may be eligible to claim:
- Disability benefits
- Covered medical care
- Cash compensation
What you can receive depends on your status as a service member or the family of a service member, as well as what medical conditions you have. You may qualify for multiple programs.
Call or message our Camp Lejeune toxic water claims attorneys to examine what benefits you may qualify to receive.
If I bring a legal claim for Camp Lejeune toxic water compensation, will my disability benefits be affected?
If you bring a legal claim for Camp Lejeune toxic water compensation, you can still claim disability benefits. Whether a claim offsets disability benefits will depend on the final version of the law. Lawmakers are still determining the details.
Even if you’re already receiving disability benefits, a lawsuit may allow you to receive compensation for pain and suffering. It’s likely to your benefit to bring a claim, even if you’re already getting disability.
When you work with Haun Mena, you can have confidence that we’ll stay up to date on the law and fully pursue your rights.
Can I bring a Camp Lejeune legal claim if I was previously denied disability benefits?
Yes, it’s possible! Whether or not you qualify to bring a legal claim for compensation doesn’t depend on the results of your disability claim. It’s an entirely different program with its own standards.
The Veterans Administration created a narrowly-crafted list of just some medical problems for their disability program. The pending Camp Lejeune Justice Act doesn’t have that limitation. Through scientific study or other evidence, you must show that you have a disease that may have been caused by or resulted from exposure to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune. Our attorneys can help you gather this proof.
Don’t wonder if you can receive compensation for your injuries at Camp Lejeune! It’s our goal to pursue every avenue of compensation for you. Contact our experienced injury attorneys for a personalized review of your claim.
Free Consultation to Start a Camp Lejeune Water Claim
Camp Lejeune claims are starting soon. They will run for a limited period of time. Haun Mena wants you to get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to talk about your case and begin.