When you sign up for an insurance policy, you expect your insurer to provide coverage when things go wrong. However, sometimes insurers fail to uphold their promises and give you the support you need. You may need an insurance claim lawyer to represent you.
At Haun Mena, our Houston insurance claims attorneys can guide you through your insurance claim dispute and help you fight for a better outcome. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case.
Disputing Your Insurance Claim
Disputes between policyholders and insurers can arise in a wide variety of situations. In some cases, insurers attempt to deny the validity of specific claims. Insurance companies might also offer insufficient coverage or create needless delays. Although insurers often refuse claims for legitimate reasons, insurance companies sometimes dispute claims to reduce expenses as well. It’s important to review the details of your policy and understand the nature of your dispute.
What are first-party insurance claims?
Insurance claims differ based on the involved parties. As a policyholder, you can file a first-party insurance claim with your insurer directly. First-party insurance claims generally cover incidents that impact yourself, your family and your property.
In a third-party claim, the person filing the claim is not the policyholder.
Types of Insurance Claims Our Houston Attorneys Can Help With
Homeowners insurance claims
Your homeowners insurance should cover a range of incidents that lead to losses or damage to your property, house and possessions. Our Houston insurance claim lawyers capably handle cases involving fire damage. Your policy might cover theft claims if someone vandalizes your property during a burglary or steals valuable possessions, such as jewelry and electronics. Homeowners insurance may also cover the costs of repairs when a house fire occurs. Water damage from plumbing issues and roof leaks can lead to homeowners insurance claims, too.
Weather-related insurance claims
Severe weather and natural disasters can cause property damage, requiring costly rebuilding and repair efforts. These natural phenomena can directly damage your property or contribute to indirect harm. For example, a storm can cause a tree to fall on a house, resulting in an insurance claim to cover the repair costs. As a homeowner, you might need to file a claim due to weather events, including the following:
- Tornadoes
- Hail
- Strong winds
- Sinkholes
- Lightning
Your Houston insurance claims lawyer can help you communicate with your insurer and obtain coverage for these types of damages.
Commercial insurance claims
Businesses and organizations often have commercial insurance policies to protect their property and financial interests. If you are a business owner, you might need to consult our Houston insurance claims lawyer to help you and your company navigate challenging scenarios.
Business interruption insurance protects companies from events that disrupt normal operations and prevent transactions. For example, events such as fires, natural disasters and vandalism can result in costly downtime for a business. Some businesses have insurance policies that cover automobiles, machinery and other valuable equipment. Likewise, condominium associations often hold policies that protect the complex from liability issues and damage to common areas.
Bad faith insurance claims
Insurance claim disputes can occur because of reasonable objections; however, insurers sometimes act unfairly or deceptively toward policyholders. If your insurance company does not fulfill its contractual obligations, you could be facing a bad faith insurance dispute.
For example, your insurer might attempt to deny your claim without a reasonable justification. You could face unnecessary hurdles and delays during the claim process that cause hardship. It is also possible for your insurer to offer an unreasonably low settlement in bad faith. Finally, you might encounter misrepresentations of your policy by your insurer when filing a claim.
If you believe your insurance company is acting in bad faith and not upholding its duty to you as a policyholder, you should take action. You and your Houston insurance claims lawyer can work together to seek the coverage you deserve, as well as compensatory damages.
Consult Our Houston Insurance Claims Lawyers
When facing a potential insurance claim dispute, acting quickly to protect your interests as a policyholder is important. Waiting can lead to the loss of crucial evidence and may reduce your case’s strength.
To start the process, you should contact a lawyer with experience navigating insurance claim cases to discuss your options. Here at Haun Mena, our attorney Ryan Haun has handled over 1,000 insurance-related lawsuits in Houston and surrounding areas in Texas. Our team can help you safeguard your rights, negotiate with insurers and fight on your behalf. Contact us today for your consultation.
Insurance Claim FAQs
What evidence is helpful in an insurance claim dispute?
Disputing an insurance claim might require you to produce evidence of your situation. Documentation, including medical records, repair bills, photographs and video footage, can help you prove your case.
Can mediation resolve disputes with insurers?
Not all insurance claim disputes require litigation in court. It’s possible to resolve a conflict through mediation and obtain a settlement in many cases.